
To join or renew

There are few ways to join or renew. You can use the JotForm and submit the form or you can download the Membership PDF form to your computer, fill it out and bring it to a ride and give it to any TERA director. If paying with Paypal, please select either single or family and click either the PayPal button or credit card button below. Please use the same contact email noted on the membership application form. We must have the membership form sent in, regardless of payment method. Single membership is $26.50 and $36.75 for a family membership. Please note, submitting just the form does not constitute payment and your membership will not be active till TERA receives payment, be it electronic, check, cash for either forms of entry. Your membership number will be listed on the list below. Please give a few days for the list to update. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on trail!